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Bazooka ELA60.2

Item #13170
EL Series 300 Watt 2-Channel Amplifier

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Product Reviews For Bazooka ELA60.2

  • After five years my "EL60" is about to go into its third car. The amp sees as much milage and abuse as the cars do and it's still going strong. It always drives my front speakers since it seems to match the power requirements. So far the wiring locations haven't been to inconvenient in the rather square package. I enjoy the quality of sound that hear with the basic head unit to amp to speaker hookup. In contrast to my other front amp I can say that the Q-bass feature in the PPI is the only thing that sets them apart other than the price. I would therefore recommend this amp based on its proven performance and return for my hard earned dollar. Good Luck!

    Kenny R
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