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Soundstream VIR-8006T

Item #18020
3.6" Wide Razor Look Din Size In-Dash Fully Motorized TFT Monitor/DVD/AM/FM/TV

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Product Reviews For Soundstream VIR-8006T

  • I love the look of this unit and the screen has a very nice picture. I have had the unit for about 4 months now and I have had a few problems. The backlit portion of the keypad has gone out so I can’t see what buttons to push at night. The memory for last song is terrible. It never remembers the last song but randomly picks a song and starts there. The overall user interface is very poorly programmed and not user friendly. It is not intuitive at all. DVD's play well and the sound is great. It could use better equalizer functions for quick changes to different music. I think I will send back for another unit. I have a feeling that similar units will be the same. Watch out.

    Nick Rowland

  • The RD guys went nuts with this unit and threw everything into it. Plays DVDs, TV tuner, USB input, SD input, etc. So on paper, it's a great unit. The reality is not so impressive. The asthetics guys were obviously angry when they designed the unit. The interface screens and the radio tuner screens are just ugly. Using the SD interface is brutal. It can't handle long file names. And if I want to put in or remove a CD/DVD, I keep my fingers crossed that the faceplate will actually stay open. Usually when I hit the eject button the face will flip down then immediately flip up again. By attempt number 20 it might let me eject the disc. I had bought Soundstream gear 25 years ago for my first car and it was all top notch, it's quite obvious that it's not the same company it used to be.

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