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Rockford Fosgate CPC10-03

Item #17296
1 Farad - 20 volt Surge Capacitor

Write a Review For Rockford Fosgate CPC10-03

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Product Reviews For Rockford Fosgate CPC10-03

  • this is the best of the best and it works great with my Rockford Fosgate (P10002) 2channel amp and another thing dont forget the 2 guage wire kit for the amp


  • first of all let me say I am an owner/installer and have been for 10 years this cap is horrid!!! no protection from dimming lights, it sure does'nt sound any cleaner and have had 7 people return saying this cap makes their car smell like its on fire (it really does i have smelled it) for the money you can find so much better fosgate sure has fallen off the past few years!!! I sent everyone of these i had back and now use stinger alot better, half the price, and no fire smell!!!!!!!!!

    chris patterson

  • The guy below me claims to be a profesional but i have been doing the whole car audio thing for about 3 years. I have this capacitor on my planet audio rxd1900 pushing one solo-baric l7 15 and it actually helps alot. Sure, my lights still dim a little but before i got this my car would shut off on high volumes.. If this guy was really an installer then im sure he wouldnt be catching people's stuff on fire. This cap is well worth the money and especially for only 79.00


  • The guy below me claims to be a profesional but i have been doing the whole car audio thing for about 3 years. I have this capacitor on my planet audio rxd1900 pushing one solo-baric l7 15 and it actually helps alot. Sure, my lights still dim a little but before i got this my car would shut off on high volumes.. If this guy was really an installer then im sure he wouldnt be catching people's stuff on fire. This cap is well worth the money and especially for only 79.00


  • Kept the headlights bright, so I'm pleased never really had anything from rockford fosgate fail me yet.


  • This thing works to well for the price. I've tried a few diff brands and they all work ok but this rockford fosgate does the job exeptionally well! No dimming and no more hassle! I am once again impressed by rockford fosgates quality items and on that thought I give 5 for 5

    Zach kimerer
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