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SoundStorm F2600D

Item #21010
Class D Monoblock 2600W Force Series Power Amplifier with Remote Subwoofer Level Control and One Ohm Stable

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Product Reviews For SoundStorm F2600D

  • I have the earlier model 1fd2500. I was pretty skeptical about this amp, but bought it after reading some threads on different forums saying the SoundStorm isn't as awful as many people say. I thought I'd give it a shot. I have it powering 2 JL 12w3v3s, (500 RMS subs) and this amp can drive them into mechanical distortion. Mine does measure 60 volts of output on the multimeter, indicating that it does indeed put out the rated 1800 watts over a 2 ohm load. I wasn't expecting that. I've had it now for 4 months or so, and it's still going strong. It does run a little bit warm at 2 ohms, so I'm not sure if 1 ohm operation would be okay or not, but I really can't say. It doesn't ever shutdown from overheating, although it does get very, very warm when playing sine waves. It does make some kind of buzzing noise when the amp is turned on, like a loose wire is rubbing on a ventilation fan. Not a huge deal though. I don't know if it will last forever, but it definitely does the get the subs moving. The included remote control knob is nice, too. I wouldn't buy it if I could at least afford a Hifonics, but for the price, it's decent. Delivers advertised power down to at least 2 ohms. Decent!

    Robert L

  • I just upgraded from the Soundstorm F1200M and this amp makes my 15" MA Audio competition sub go CRAZY in my explorer! The roof flexes so much! I have it wired at 2 ohms, and it deffnately pounds! Im not 100% sure if the RMS is THAT accurate though, but if the 1200 Watt Soundstorm put out 600 RMS at 2 ohms, this amp puts out wayyy more than that! Im happy with it, and would recommend it, plus for $179 its a pretty good deal.


  • this amp is better then i expected i have it hooked up to 2 type rs at 2 ohms with a custom box tuned to 33 herts its sounds pretty good and quick shipping although it seems to take forever on anything else i order because everthing is on back order


  • I don't know if it's cuz I live in Florida and my car gets hot as shit but it beats for a while it wouldn't beat at two ohms it kept going into protection mode I put it down to one ohm and it beats for awhile then goes back into protection mode kinda pissing me off

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