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Rockford Fosgate RFP3415

Item #11326
15" Subwoofer (Each)

Write a Review For Rockford Fosgate RFP3415

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Product Reviews For Rockford Fosgate RFP3415

  • I have two of these beasts in a RF box, and even underpowered they pound like crazy. Granted, its not in the class of a W7, but its louder and sounds better than 99% of the subs out there at the same price. Be warned- If you have even the slightest crack in your windshield get it replaced before hooking up these subs. I hooked them up in my girlfriends Buick LeSabre and the windshield literally blew out. Huge excursions on these, but still tight enough to play punchy base wihtout bottoming out or distorting. Definatly worth the money.


  • Replaced a MTX 4500 15 with one of these RockFord's and there's no comparison this sub hits HARD!!Definatly worth the money! I like it so much I'm going to get another one put in next week. Two RockFord 15's. This system will slam!

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