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Kicker 03CVR8

Item #13268
8" 400W 4-Ohm Subwoofer

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Product Reviews For Kicker 03CVR8

  • This is one hard hitting litte sub, I have it in a .52 cu.ft. sealed r/t truck box, driven by 230 wrms, and it handles the extra power no prob. so far, (about 3 mo.)I have this in a 95 nissan hardbody reg. cab and sounds real good, hits hard, and gets pretty deep, just doesn't get very load. This could be partly due to being behind the seat. I am gonna try a ported bow and see what it can do in my sisters 98 honda civic. I am in the process of building a triple 12 box inside a 30 inch long fiberglas sleeper shell with intergrated floor.Good little 8 in. sub in my book, compares to the kenwood db+ 10in. w/ 300 wrms in my GF 83 ford ranger.

    John W. Sewell

  • Awesome sounding sub. I two in a truck box in my 1994 Ford F-150. Outside the truck you can't really tell that they're there, but it will rattle your brains on the inside. Great buy, great speaker.

    Matt Ealey
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