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Audiobahn AW1506T

Item #13595
15" 2600W Dual 4-Ohm Subwoofer

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Product Reviews For Audiobahn AW1506T

  • because the sound of it is unexplanable and has the best overall value and quality.


  • i have one of these hooked up to a 2000 watt high current and it hits,louder than kicker L7 no question


  • i have this subwoofer and it hit very loud can handle all the power you give to it!4 serious soudfreak!


  • i have this sub hooked up to a fosgate p3001 amp and it only pushes out 300rms and this sub still pounds harder then most subwoofers out there going to buy a ma audio hk2000d 1800watts rms class D X amp imagine the damage that this sub will do with that amp hooked up to it


  • I have 2 of these AW1506Ts hooked up with the A1500HCT (2000 Watt) Amp. The system hits no doubt. For the money I would keep audiobahn for sure. No matter what people say though...JL Audio is the best. I've heard 1 13W7 that hit harder than most boys systems that have 2-4 subs (NO JOKE). so for the money audiobahn for sure, but if you have the cheddar go with JL AUDIO.


  • i have two aw1206t's and an audiobahn a2300hct amplifier hooked up in my jeep grand cherokee at 2ohms, RATTLED the whole block, hit even harder at 1ohm, but kept blowing fuses, definately worth the money if you have an amplifier to power it!!

    joel reamer

  • If you want power for your woofers, try the Sound Storm Cruiser series. I use the CR5000.1 on my Audiobahn 15s, and they popped my windshiled out. That thing has mega power and very low price. Its very clean, and easy to set up.


  • Hit harder than most "Excellent" brands especially in an suv! Great value, The most rms than any brand for the price!

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