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Lanzar OPTI4X400D

Item #14083
4 Channel High Output Digital Mini Amplifier

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Product Reviews For Lanzar OPTI4X400D

  • I liked how this amp is a full range D class and very compact in size. However it does heat up pretty fast in temperature but it hasn't kicked off yet. The problem is, during the silence (pause, between tracks, skipping tracks etc) there is a noticable "white noise" distortion that is pretty loud. I also can't seem to tune it for the life of me to get a crisp clean sound like I can easily do with regular a/b amps. Want compact size? Go with the Alpine. Want best sound for the buck? Stick with class a/b. BTW, this thing gets hot from me running channels 1/2 (fronts) @ 4 ohm for mids/highs. Channels 3/4 are not being used at all. Lame.

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