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Rockford Fosgate T15004

Item #14332
125W x 4 Car Amplifier

Write a Review For Rockford Fosgate T15004

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Product Reviews For Rockford Fosgate T15004

  • this amp is crazy. Fosgate says this thing delivers 125rms at 4ohms but in reality it dilvers close to 320rms at 4ohms. i currently have this hooked up to some rockford coaxials and components that handle 100rms each and they cant even handle this amp. this amp really needs TOP OF THE LINE speakears. this thing is freakin huge so if you are concerned about trunk space then get something smaller. It is extremly powerful, if your thinking of buying this make sure u have some killer speakers. this thing is like a damn frankenstien. Great buy if you can get at less than $1000.


  • Amp is soild with enough power for a T2 12 sub and to run my MB Quart components. It does have a lot of options you can do with the amp. I still see it sold for 5 to 7 hundred wich is too much if you ask me. You would be better off getting the T1000 and a T8002 together for close to 5 and that would be much louder.. Overall great amp with great power 2235 rms on my birthsheet, just the price and having it fixed rates are rough and my amp has broken down twice and RF said it's a flat rate 345 dollar charge even if it's a 10 dollar problem...

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