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Infinity 10.7t

Item #15367
1" M.M.D. Dome Tweeters

Write a Review For Infinity 10.7t

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Product Reviews For Infinity 10.7t

  • These are some loud tweeters. You turn them up just a little bit and they hurt your ears. don't put them on a realy strong amp or they will blow other then that i recommend these tweeters to someone who wants big system with little space

    Victor Rodriguez

  • very loud, great sound and looks plus easy mounting and the infinity name... great product


  • was somewhat dissapointed with the overall design and mounting of these tweetes,mounted with the included housing there isnt alot of room to twist these on, the wires came apart from the terminals and had to resolder them,the sound is so so,cant push them to hard or they cutout or get scratchy,would`nt buy them again.


  • They are indeed sharp,crisp and clear sounding, but I dont believe they handle the power Infinity claims. I am still confused about the ratings because with the supplied paperwork from Infinity, they say because of the factory wiring in cars, the speaker actually sees 4 ohms, but are otherwise rated at 2 ohms. My amp is CEA compliant at 60WRMS@4ohms and 90WRMS@2ohms. So if the Tweeters actually see 4 ohms, RMS was a close match, but if 2 ohms is really what they "see", then that explains why they are blown. Also I have last years set of 6x8's with these same MMD tweeters and you guessed it....the tweeters in those are toasted...so much for the RMS on those too. Watch your power and you should do well with these.

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