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Soundstream SK0/4CAP

Item #16364
0/4 Guage Amp Kit For 2 Amp Systems

Write a Review For Soundstream SK0/4CAP

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Product Reviews For Soundstream SK0/4CAP

  • Pros: nice interconnect cables; power plant cleans up your install Par: 25' 16 gauge speaker wire; 3' 12 gauge sub wire; basic 1.2 cap (seen it before for $40) Cons: kit comes with 1 gauge power/ground not 0 like advertised; fuse block is big and hard to mount (I used a circuit braker instead) Overall: It's a good kit that includes everything you need, but as always you would be better off ordering single items.


  • I am not sure what this other guy was doing as far as an installation, but I had NO problems what so ever, and that fused block with the dual amp guages is awesome! It does have an issue with the mounting as far a screwing it down, I could not find holes to do that, but hey, car stereo is all about being creative, so I just double stick taped it to a metal bracket that I have incorporated into my system to hold it ( it looks like a floating piece) The cap also has a guage on it as well. I had no problem mounting anything, I built an amp rack, and included the cap, and the fuse block into it, the wiring I recieved in my kit was a 0 guage power wire, with a 1 guage ground, so I don't know what happened with Jerrods kit. More than enough for the two Phoenix Gold amps I am using, The cap is rated for 1000 watts, so it fit my system perfectly. The wiring template that comes as part of the packaging is well explained, and laid out to show you all you need to know for routing, and even tells you what guage wires go to what ( great for a first time installer ) I did not use the RCA's, but they are good quality, and I will be using them on my other cars stereo. All and all, this kits kicks ass, and I would recommened it to anyone looking for a "all in one box" kit. If you were to buy all this gear as separates, I doubt you could get all these items for the same or less, the fuse block alone runs $79. So do the math, I did, and it definitly pays to go this route!!! Soundstream has really thought out this kit, and it works.

    Mike Keefe
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