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MTX T8510-04

Item #17012
10" 1000W 4-Ohm Subwoofer

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Product Reviews For MTX T8510-04

  • I bought this with a custom enclosure for my camaro. I power it with a 500 RMS Kenwood amp and it sounds ridiculous for one sub, let alone only a 10inch! I would highly, highly recommend this to anyone who wants a lot of bass but doesn't have a lot of room. If interested, get it, you won't regret it.


  • i have one of these in a ported box, in the back of my mercury suv. Im not pushing that much watts rms, but this sub is just ridiculous. Its only 10" but it just completly rattles my car. i can only listen to a couple of songs before my head starts to throb. Im thinking about getting 2 of these 12" putting about 700 rms on each. That would be a dream system, go get these, they are awesome.


  • Pounds. Great Sound quality. Got mine in a sealed box getting 600rms from a hifonics zxi6006. Could probably handle another 150watts or so. Great sub if you don't wanna take up much space. Very clean bass.

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