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Clarion PXW1251

Item #17464
12" 1000W Dual 2-Ohm Subwoofer

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Product Reviews For Clarion PXW1251

  • A few months back I bought my first set of subs. I bought 2 Clarion PXW1251s, but I was lucky, got them both, factory sealed, brand new, shipped to my door for $154 total. I hooked each one up to its own amp and built the box myself. Threw it all in the back of a 2000 Chevy Blazer, then threw a cap in there, still need a bigger one but .5 farads good enough for now. These subs hit hard. I have no complaints about them what-so-ever. I got lots of friends who have had systems for a long time and cant stop talking about how good these subs sound. I was originally going to go with JL audio W3s (12" as well) but when i found these, at a much better price, i went with these. My friend has JLs, I have these. My system hits way harder, and he wishes he had bought these Clarions instead. Believe me, these will get attention. I have gotten pulled over a few times since i got them, never for speeding or the way I was driving.

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