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Kicker 08S10L72

Item #18884
10" 1200W Dual 2-Ohm Subwoofer

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Product Reviews For Kicker 08S10L72

  • This sub is amazing!! I used to have 2 kicker L5's and I blew them so i upgraded to these. They are a little bit louder than the L5's and they sound just about the same. I would save yourself some money and just get the L5's because there really isn't to much of a difference.


  • Justin, The L7 is about the same in loudness yes. But the L7 alos has better colling and a longer est life span than that of a L5. It is a great sub if u have the room for a lager ported box for massive SLP output. But a slead box sound great also better SQ that a ported box but not great by any means. Over all great sub well worth the money there is better for the money tho. Fi audio is far better than any sub/subs u can buy online. Try there web sight look it up on google this is the best place to buy an amp tho.

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