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Cadence UD-12S4

Item #25178
Single 12" 550W 4-Ohm UD-Series Subwoofer

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Product Reviews For Cadence UD-12S4

  • well for starters i put 3 of these bad boys in a home made box to fit my 1982 fox body mustang, you would think someone somewhere would build a box and sell it for this car. anyways i was surprised that these things out do my old punch 12s for bang but am a a bit dissapointed with the bang that i got. it turns out that if you have one of these facing up into your window DONT leave the louvers on the glass, the damn things drove me nuts. at first i thought it was my backyard engineering and the beer i was drinking while building the box that maybe it was shot nope just the damn window louvers took me 2 weeks to figure it out so quick fix a bit of double sided weather stripping and the noise is gone and with 500 watts hitting these they are well worth money

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