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Viper 5706V

Item #49952
2-Way LCD SEC/RS 1-Mile Range

Write a Review For Viper 5706V

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Product Reviews For Viper 5706V

  • I have enjoyed this product for several years. It is one of the best I have experienced. I will share with you my likes and dislikes. One of the best features is its ability to allow auto-start on a car with a manual transmission. The procedures to activate this feature may take several repetitions. Other features include truck unlock and remote notification if the alarm becomes active, which I have is effective up to 1/8 of a mile. There are other functions that you may use or not, such as with myself. My only negative is that I was charged $100.00 to replace the primary key remote to do age. In my opinion, this is one of my best buys of all time. However, I can not defend how much your shop will charge to install. Mine was on the high side. But, in all, it still was worth the money and the product. I can start my manual transmission car on cold winter mornings just like those with factory-installed auto-start.

    John Linwood Williams

  • Yo, the Viper 5706V is like the boss of car security, you know? Installed it in my 15 year Chevy truck, and the remote start and security stuff are on a whole other level. That two-way thing is a total game-changer, and it really gives me peace of mind.


  • It gives me a peace of mind that my car has a security system I can rely on. One tip is to go to a Viper certified installer for installation or you’ll risk losing your warranty.

    Antoine R.
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