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Kenwood Excelon KFC-XW1200F

Item #18406
Excelon Series 12" 1400W Peak Power Handling, 4-Ohm Single Voice Coil Car Shallow-Mount Subwoofer - (Sold as Each)

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Product Reviews For Kenwood Excelon KFC-XW1200F

  • I've gone though two pairs of these allready. I have a custom box in my Nissan Frontier, the pair are pushed by an Alpine PDX 1.600, talking to the local car audio guy i guess my first set I seperated the voice coils on them, replaced though warrantee, and now my 2nd set just craped out, Im looking for another pair of shallow's now. Thats the bad...the good...these did actauly suprise me sound wise, they sounded verry good for being shallow mounts, but as time went on i noticed the quality decrease, and then they craped out on me. So if you dont plan to push them hard, they are good subs, but i guess i just pushed them too hard


  • I also have one of these in a custom 0.8 cu/ft ported box in my nissan fronier crew cab. I am using the sub channel on an alpine pdx-5 to power it (300 rms) and i also separated the voice coil on it. Like dustin said, its got a good sound, till it seperates. I definitely do not recommend a ported box with this as it does not sound clean at all, if that is what you are looking for. The sub also will not hit the super lows (below 30 Hz), while a lot of songs will have bass notes that hit around 20 Hz. I would go with something else if I did not buy this already, like a JL 12TW5, or JL 13TW5 or a Pioneer shallow...

    Ryan. W

  • Just what I was looking for in a flat sub. Price was right so I purchased 3 to match up with Kenwoods 2400 watt amp.


  • The quality is so good as always with Kenwood subs and speakers. This sub has a very shallow design which made it easier for me to install it. Its pretty loud if I crank up the volume though I am not a fan of really loud bass. But its complementing perfectly to the sound at just the right level.

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