Well, for starters, key functions of this unit started failing almost immediately. I've had one nice head unit from JVC in the past... this is by far the most defunct piece I've ever bought! Blue tooth/wireless stopped working within a month. Digital eq followed right behind that. The clock would constantly switch between the correct time and whatever other numbers it decided to display. USB port worked, infrequently, until it too gave up sometime between one and two months. I should have returned it right away, but the cd player and aux port still work, so I've held on to it. I live in the ghetto and don't want to feel the pain of broken windows AND a quality receiver getting stolen, so I hold on to this junk. I may have gotten a "lemon"? I hope this helps.
Decent unit for the price. Not very many features, but it produces great sound quality when paired with aftermarket speakers. Bluetooth works fine with no issues. If you don't wanna break the bank, I'd go with this unit.